Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Homework Assignments

Homework should be posted in Powerschool on a nightly basis.  As a rule, homework should probably be available for about a week so that students who are absent can see the assignments they missed. 

If you have a teacher web page where you enter homework assignments, you should still include a link to your web site in in the Decription box under the Class Content tab in your Gradebook.  The instructions for doing this are below.

This blog will discuss entering homework assignments in the Powerteacher Gradebook Class Content.

Select the class you want to enter information for, click on the Class Content tab in Gradebook, and type your assignments in the Description box. 

Self Contained Classes - You should probably list homework for all subjects under your Homeroom.  This will save parents from accessing each subject to see all of their child's homework. 
For all other classes, like Middle School, homework assignments should be listed under the subjects.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Description box is like a blackboard.  Anything entered there will remain there until you remove it.  This includes information entered in PREVIOUS YEARS.  You should perform a Quick Lookup on one student from each of your classes to see if any old and confusing information appears in the Section Description.

The image below shows a screen accessed on Oct. 18, 2011.  However, the information in the description was for April 2011.

If you see old information, simply go to your Gradebook and enter something relevant in the Description box under the Class Content tab.

Entering information into the Description Box.

You can type anything you want in the Description Box, however please be aware of the following.  Line spacing will be ignored.  Take a look at the two screen images below. 

The first image shows what was entered in the Description Box by a teacher.

This next image shows what the parents saw.  Note how none of the line spacing was recognized.

By inserting HTML commands shown in red on the image below, you can get the line spacing corrected. 
The next image shows how to add these to your Descriptiion in Gradebook.

The next image shows the way the Section Description will now appear after inserting the HTML commands.

ADDING LINKS TO INTERNET SITES.  Internet links are also entered in the Description box.  The next image shows how to add a link.  Click on the Gray button containing the word "+Link" next to the Description Box.  A new window will open up allowing you to enter the internet address and the text for the link that parents will see. 

The text in blue in the next image shows how the link will appear to the parents.

You can enter another link by clicking on th "+Link" button again.